At Longwarry Primary school our Literacy Program is developed and implemented using the Professional Learning Communities approach to teaching and learning.
Class teachers focus on setting clear individualised learning goals for students. Teachers work collaboratively to create a Literacy curriculum that is based on the individual needs of each child using constant assessment to understand what it is students need to learn.
At all levels of the school students engage in daily independent reading with a strong focus on comprehension strategies to enhance understanding. Student’s writing is designed to offer them opportunities to write for authentic purposes, with quality feedback between the teacher and student.
Literacy is integrated across the entire curriculum. A number of themed days are encouraged throughout the year to promote the values of Literacy.
Mathematics enhances our understanding of the world and the quality of participation in society. It enables cultural, social and technological advances, whilst empowering individuals to be critical citizens in a contemporary society. Mathematics is used widely in our society to describe and make sense of the world. The aim of the schools Mathematics program is to develop in students a confident understanding of mathematical concepts, processes and the ability to apply this knowledge effectively to real life situations. Each child will experience success and achieve appropriate learning outcomes. Important mathematical skills and concepts will be experienced by students in our Mathematics Workshops.
The Mathematical aims for students are to:
- Display important Mathematical skills to assist in gaining future general employment and the ability to function successfully in society.
- Become equipped with strategies to solve practical Mathematical and work-based problems.
- Build a strong base understanding of Mathematics that allows them the opportunity for further study in the discipline.
- Empower them to identify Mathematical connections and be able to relate
- Mathematical concepts, skills and Maths processes to solving and posing
- Mathematical Problems.
- Give them confidence to create and maintain their Mathematical knowledge and to instil a sense of self-assurance to apply and acquire new knowledge and skills when needed.
- The numeracy content is derived from the Victorian Curriculum of Mathematics.
- The Mathematics curriculum is organised around the interaction of three content strands and four proficiency strands.
- The content strands are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. These describe what is to be taught and learnt.
- The proficiency strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving, and These describe the how content is explored or developed, that is, the thinking and doing of Mathematics.
- ‘I can statements ‘are student friendly written statements which directly identify the skills students need to learn. These are used within termly and weekly planning documents, Pre/Post-testing with student centered goal setting and to highlight/celebrate student growth on reports.
- Teachers will be supported through Maths coaching from their Team Leaders in consultation with the Learning Team Leader. These Leaders will assist during planning time and meet with teachers for one to one sessions.
- The Head of Numeracy will also lead the Maths Learning Team.
- A Maths Resource trolley is set up in each of the Learning Communities and is the responsibility of the PLC Leader and team to maintain.
- The Maths PLC will work towards lifting the profile of Maths throughout the school and community through family Maths nights, Maths network meetings, Maths week activities, newsletter articles, information night displays, implementation of Mathematics Rangers program/brochure and professional development both external and internal.
Classroom Practice
- At Longwarry Primary School Mathematics is a fluid moving, student needs based, type of Maths Workshops. Maths groups are run within Learning Communities and allow greater targeted learning opportunities.
- Maths Groups are expected to run for 4hrs per week (most commonly 4 x 1hr sessions)
- The program is a Pre/Post-Test model which directly identifies the individual learning needs of students, allows for explicit, targeted teaching and allows students learning growth to be clearly identified. Mathematics concepts are taught over three-week blocks. This aligns with the current best practices for teaching of Mathematics.
- Students initially sit an online Pre-Test through the Essential Assessment Program; they are then placed in an ability based group dependent on their learning needs. The first lesson of the three-week block will be where students look at their Pre-Test to identify their known skills, identify their unknown skills and to set their individual learning goals for the remainder of the unit. After completing their Post-Test, students the next day receive their graded test back. This is where success of meeting learning goals is celebrated and growth for the Maths unit recorded onto Compass so parents can view the progress.
- With the assistance of Essential Numeracy Assessment, Pre and Post-tests allow for a school wide consistent approach that highlights students learning growth in each Mathematics Strand.
- The Mathematical lesson structure is consistent throughout each classroom.
Every lesson consists of: The ‘Engagement’ section or ‘Tune In’ introduction, where the students learning focus for the lesson is explained WALT (We Are Learning To), discussed and examples demonstrated.
The ‘Practice’ section, involves students working through mathematical problems and building confidence in the concept. Students will rotate through a mixture of explicit teaching focus groups, strategy or skilled Maths game groups, consolidating math skills worksheet groups and online Maths program groups.
The ‘Reflection’ stage of the lesson allows students to look back on their learning (did they achieve the WALT), ask questions, receive feedback, share findings and discuss the real life relevance of the Mathematical concept learnt.
- Assessment and evaluation will be an ongoing part of the classroom program, consisting of planned formal assessments/tests, Maths investigations, informal games and teacher observations and weekly formative assessments.
- Progress will be evidenced through pre and post testing of each unit, anecdotal records, On Demand testing and PAT testing. Khan Academy will be used for extending students.
- Learning Tutor onsite for Numeracy
Other recommended assessments for best practice
- Early Years Interview/Online Interview
- Study Ladder assessment
- Khan Academy Assessment
- Checklists of progression points/developmental stages
- Anecdotal records
- Ongoing/regular assessment e.g. tables
- End of unit assessments
- Diagnostic tests
- Assessment task
- Maths Investigations
- Work Samples
- Observation/Questioning
- Goal setting, self-assessment, personal reflections
This policy will be evaluated as part of the school’s three review cycle or as deemed necessary by the Leadership Team.
Play Based Learning
Play Based Learning (PBL) is a program that is run in the Junior year levels. The purpose of PBL is to provide students with a range of opportunities through play to develop communication, creativity, and collaboration skills. During PBL sessions, students are given the autonomy to work at any station on any task they want to. The teacher’s role is to move throughout the stations scaffolding students with the tasks they are taking part in, having authentic conversations students, asking explicit and specific questions, model types of play, demonstrate sharing and cooperation etc.
Some examples of our PBL stations are:
- Creative (art and craft, painting, drawing, building and designing)
- Imaginative (dress ups, real world scenarios such as shops, vets)
- Sensory (play dough, shaving foam, water play)
- Discovery (magnifying glasses, tools to measure, investing pants and seeds)
- Literacy and Numeracy (creating own books, counting, and sorting various materials)
The activities within the stations are changed on a regular basis and the student’s feedback, ideas and suggestions woven into the PBL stations to maximise student agency and engagement.